Revenge of the Bogleheads (that’s us!)
CNBC just ran a story about how the new Gen of meme stock investors that poured on to the scene during the pandemic in 2020, (yeah, remember the GameStop and AMC madness) are now catching on to our style of safe long term investing, they call it ‘lazy investing’, I call it get rich slow.
This new generation of investors are catching on to our way of thinking and how using a simple Three-Fund Portfolio is the way to go. Bogleheads are fans of Jack Bogle who started Vanguard and pioneered low cost index fund investing. You can find them here at and they also have some great podcasts.
Even the cool kid on the investing block Robinhood that gamified buying stocks has realized that there is money to be made in boring, get rich slow investing and have created a retirement IRA account.